Welding Cables by ABB

Nov 5, 2013

Keeping your robot cables in top quality condition will help to prolong the service life of not only your cables, but your robotic system. ABB has SpotPack and DressPack solutions available to help preserve welding cables.


ABB has sev­er­al robots that weld effi­cient­ly. Spot­Pack and Dress­Pack solu­tions includ­ing weld­ing cables allow users to meet their par­tic­u­lar needs in weld­ing applications.

The Inte­grat­ed Dress­Pack IRB 6640 LeanID is intend­ed for pro­duc­tion with high demands on flex­i­bil­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty in spot weld­ing appli­ca­tions. The IRB 6640 robot has process cables rout­ed inside the upper arm and wrist. The cables fol­low every motion of the robot arm, as opposed to swing­ing in irreg­u­lar pat­terns. The rout­ed cables are ide­al since they hold firm­ly in place dur­ing oper­a­tion, result­ing in reduced cable wear. They are also pro­tect­ed from weld spat­ters, heat, and col­li­sions since they are sit­u­at­ed inside the arm. This increas­es the ser­vice life by a mat­ter of years, with high­er up-time and low­er main­te­nance costs.

The IRB 1600ID arc weld­ing robot also con­tains cables and hoses rout­ed inside the upper arm. This robot is ide­al for arc weld­ing. The pow­er, weld­ing wire, shield­ing gas, and pres­sur­ized air are all inside the robot. The IRB 1600ID reduces unpre­dictable line stops because the process cables’ motion is pre­dict­ed inside the upper arm. The cycle times are faster than any oth­er robot in its class and it has a pay­load of 4 kg. The inte­grat­ed weld­ing cables and hoses reduce the robot’s out­er dimen­sions, which extends the robot system’s work­ing range. Prod­ucts with a com­plex geom­e­try are dif­fi­cult to weld, and the extend­ed range proves crucial.

Robots​.com car­ries a large assort­ment of new and used ABB parts, to include weld­ing cables. If you would like to pur­chase an ABB cable, con­tact us today for a free price quote, or browse our parts sec­tion. Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives can be con­tact­ed online or at 8777626881.

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