What are autonomous industrial robots?

Apr 29, 2024

Autonomous robots can learn their environments and work without breaks. They can use infrared or ultrasound sensors to help increase their precision and accuracy. Depending on your production needs, there is an exact or customized solution for you through Robots.com.


Autonomous indus­tri­al robots have the abil­i­ty to gain infor­ma­tion about their envi­ron­ments and work for an extend­ed peri­od of time with­out human inter­ven­tion. These self-reliant robots can move them­selves through­out the oper­a­tion with­out human assis­tance and can avoid sit­u­a­tions that are harm­ful to them­selves or peo­ple and prop­er­ty. Autonomous robots are also like­ly to adapt to chang­ing surroundings.

Exam­ples of autonomous robots

Exam­ples of these robots range from autonomous indus­tri­al heli­copters to robot vac­u­um cleaners.

How do autonomous robots work?

Sim­pler autonomous indus­tri­al robots use infrared or ultra­sound sen­sors to see obsta­cles, allow­ing them to nav­i­gate around the obsta­cles with­out human con­trol. More advanced robots use stereo vision to see their envi­ron­ments; cam­eras give them depth per­cep­tion, and soft­ware allows them to locate and clas­si­fy objects in real-time.

What are autonomous robots used for?

Autonomous robots are help­ful in busy envi­ron­ments, like hos­pi­tals. Instead of employ­ees leav­ing their posts, an autonomous indus­tri­al robot can deliv­er lab results and patient sam­ples expe­di­tious­ly. With­out tra­di­tion­al guid­ance, these robots can nav­i­gate the hos­pi­tal hall­ways, and can even find alter­nate routes when anoth­er is blocked. They will stop at pick-up points, and col­lect sam­ples to bring to the lab.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a divi­sion of the US Defense Depart­ment with the mis­sion to cre­ate tech­no­log­i­cal sur­prise for our ene­mies. This orga­ni­za­tion rep­re­sents the cut­ting edge of mil­i­tary and dis­as­ter relief tech­nol­o­gy, and after devel­op­ing autonomous indus­tri­al vehi­cles, they are focused on cre­at­ing autonomous indus­tri­al robots that are capa­ble of per­form­ing com­plex tasks in dan­ger­ous environments.

Anoth­er place autonomous indus­tri­al robots are use­ful is in our nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. In 2013, researchers at Vir­ginia Tech devel­oped an autonomous indus­tri­al robot­ic jel­ly­fish with the intent of one day con­duct­ing under­sea mil­i­tary sur­veil­lance or mon­i­tor­ing the envi­ron­ment. The 5‑foot 7‑inch jel­ly­fish has a long dura­tion and range of operation.

Major robot­ics com­pa­nies like Fanuc, ABB, KUKA, and Motoman all offer autonomous indus­tri­al robots for man­u­fac­tur­ing, assem­bly, and oth­er appli­ca­tions.

Autonomous robots and humans

As emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies become more promi­nent, the rela­tion­ship between humans and robots is evolv­ing. Autonomous robots can replace humans, such as a cog­ni­tive vir­tu­al assis­tant act­ing as an auto­mat­ed cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Autonomous robots even have the abil­i­ty to under­stand the emo­tion in a human’s voice. These trends towards robot­ic involve­ment in indus­try process­es will allow com­pa­nies to improve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, and gain a com­pet­i­tive advantage.

Find the right indus­tri­al robot with Robots​.com

If you are inter­est­ed in incor­po­rat­ing one of the Fanuc, KUKA, ABB, or Motoman autonomous indus­tri­al robots, con­tact Robots​.com today for a free price quote and assis­tance on which robot is right for you. You can call us at 8777626881 or con­tact us online and we will get back to you quickly.

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