ABB Simplified Robot Programming – An Innovation in Robotic Painting

Mar 3, 2015

​ABB robotics has brought huge advancements to painting applications, cutting down the amount of time needed for training and teaching the employees. ABB's Simplified Robot Programming (SRP) provides manufacturers with a simply method for programming paint robot that target plastics, wood, and small metal parts. This helps to save a company overall costs and brings faster and greater productivity.


One of the biggest hur­dles for com­pa­nies, espe­cial­ly those automat­ing their paint­ing appli­ca­tion for the first time, is train­ing work­ers to pro­gram and oper­ate the robot. ABB Robot­ics has rev­o­lu­tion­ized the robot­ic paint­ing pro­gram­ming with their Sim­pli­fied Robot Pro­gram­ming (SRP) – pro­gram­ming that is cut­ting down on the amount of time need­ed train­er work­ers and pro­gram robots by using a teach­ing han­dle, motion track­ing soft­ware and a computer.

Accord­ing to ABB, the goals of SRP is to give man­u­fac­tur­ers a sim­pli­fied method for pro­gram­ming paint robots that tar­get plas­tics, wood, and small met­al parts. This pro­gram would be ful­ly editable with trig­ger posi­tions, path and tool angles. Not only is the pro­gram­ming eas­i­er to teach, but it also cuts down on pro­gram­ming time – from hours to minutes.

So, now that we know some of the train­ing and pro­gram­ming ben­e­fits, what are some of the oth­er ben­e­fits of the ABB SRP when it comes to your robot­ic paint appli­ca­tion? Well, the com­pa­ny states that paint­ing flat pan­els is more time effi­cient with this pro­gram­ming, whether parts in the series are large or small. The ABB Sim­pli­fied Robot Pro­gram­ming also allows for trac­ing of 3D parts with dif­fi­cult angles and teach­ing new parts out­side of the paint­ing perime­ter, which means pro­duc­tion does not have to be shut down to change part series – sav­ing tons of time and mon­ey in the process!

Does SRP from ABB sound like some­thing you would love to add to your exist­ing ABB paint­ing robot sys­tem? Then you should call, Robots​.com, a leader in ABB Robot­ics inte­gra­tion. SRP is back­wards com­pat­i­ble for any of the IRC5 con­troller mod­els, which means it is ver­sa­tile across some recent robot generations.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881.

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