MH-Series Yaskawa Robots Now with Large Payloads

Sep 20, 2010

The MH215 motoman robot is a fast-moving and powerful solution for large product handling. It is part of the Material Handling (MH) robot series and provides high-durability drive units in each major axis. Tgeh MH215 provides unparalleled high moment and inertia ratings, a repeatability of +/- 0.2 mm, and a large reach. The MH215 by Motoman is the perfect solution for machine tending, pcik and place, spot welding, cutting, and other tough applications.


Yaskawa Motoman Robots has recent­ly expand­ed its mul­ti­pur­pose Mate­r­i­al Han­dling (MH) robot series. The new­com­er, MH215, is a fast-mov­ing and pow­er­ful solu­tion for large prod­uct handling.

Made for Top Performance

Large part pro­cess­ing is easy for this mighty robot. The MH215 is engi­neered with high-dura­bil­i­ty dri­ve units in each major axis. In spite of this robot­’s high-speed abil­i­ties, it pro­vides unpar­al­leled high moment and iner­tia rat­ings. Repeata­bil­i­ty is a sta­ble +/- 0.2mm.

Tak­ing on Tough Tasks

The MH215 is a great match for machine tend­ing, pick and place, spot weld­ing, cut­ting, and oth­er tough appli­ca­tions. It offers sig­nif­i­cant finan­cial sav­ings and lay­out sim­plic­i­ty when used as a parts posi­tion­er and con­vey­or. The MH215’s work enve­lope is quite expan­sive, with a 3,894mm ver­ti­cal and 2,912mm hor­i­zon­tal reach. 

MH Swells to Include High-Payloads

The MH-series ranges from the low pay­load MH5 and MH6 (and vari­ants) to the mid-range MH50 and two extend­ed reach mod­els, the MH50-35 and MH50-20. Now, with the MH215 (as well as pos­si­ble pay­load vari­ants of 165kg, 185kg, and 250kg) the series has moved into an entire­ly new arena.

Robots​.com pro­vides Inte­gra­tion-Ready Yaskawa robots. Call today for more infor­ma­tion about the MH series: 8777626881 or reach their experts online.

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