ABB IRB 360-6/1600
For over two decades, ABB’s FlexPicker has set the standard in advanced high-speed robotic picking and packing technology. The IRB 360, recognized as the world’s fastest industrial delta robot, excels in both reliability and precision.
The IRB 360 FlexPicker is designed for the fastest picking tasks and optimized for packing applications. This robot delivers exceptional motion performance with the shortest cycle times and precise accuracy for payloads ranging from 1 to 8 kg. The IRB 360 series includes models with payload capacities of 1 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, and 8 kg, and reach options of 1130 mm and 1600 mm, ensuring a suitable solution for nearly any application.
With its superior motion control, quick cycle times, and exact precision, the IRB 360 operates at high speeds in both confined and expansive spaces with very tight tolerances. Equipped with a standard tool flange, it can mount larger adjustable grippers, enabling efficient handling of flow-wrapped products at high speeds from an indexing belt.
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