
With five axes and a 1.5 kg pay­load capac­i­ty, this robot is the most flex­i­ble and fastest in its class for reori­ent­ing pack­aged light­weight prod­ucts such as cook­ies, choco­lates, pep­pers, can­dies, small bot­tles, and parcels.

Respond­ing to the surge in e‑commerce and the increas­ing demand for shelf-ready pack­aged goods, the IRB 365 is tai­lored for indus­tries like food and bev­er­age, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, and con­sumer goods, where pro­duc­tion speed and adapt­abil­i­ty are cru­cial. It can pick, reori­ent, and place 1 kg prod­ucts at 120 picks per minute, sig­nif­i­cant­ly increas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and efficiency.

Ver­sa­tile in its appli­ca­tions, the IRB 365 han­dles prod­uct reori­ent­ing, top-load­ing, sec­ondary pack­ag­ing, bot­tle han­dling and unscram­bling, 3D pick­ing, feed­ing, and par­cel sort­ing. Pow­ered by the Omni­Core™ C30 con­troller — the small­est Delta robot con­troller on the mar­ket — the IRB 365 offers excep­tion­al motion con­trol, built-in dig­i­tal con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and over 1,000 addi­tion­al soft­ware and hard­ware func­tions to meet evolv­ing demands.

ABB’s Pick­Mas­ter Twin soft­ware enables the IRB 365 to inte­grate into pack­ag­ing lines with­in hours, with dig­i­tal twin tech­nol­o­gy reduc­ing changeover times from hours to min­utes. As the lat­est mem­ber of ABB’s robot­ics port­fo­lio, the IRB 365 can be paired with oth­er robots like the IRB 390 to han­dle and pack pay­loads up to 15 kg, ensur­ing a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion for diverse indus­tri­al needs.

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La Vergne, TN 37086