Eliminating Worker Injury with Stacking Robots

Sep 1, 2013

When an automation system is integrated on a production line, workers can expect an increased safety environment and reduction of back breaking labor. Stacking robots can help to reduce injuries as they take care of the receptive motions and heavy lifting. ​


Stack­ing and de-stack­ing objects is tedious and can be dan­ger­ous to man­u­al work­ers. Stack­ing automa­tion can vir­tu­al­ly elim­i­nate work­er injuries due to heavy lift­ing and repet­i­tive motion. Man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­tries rely on press trans­fer and stack­ing robots for mate­r­i­al han­dling.

KUKAs new KR QUAN­TEC series include pal­letiz­ing robots with a new com­pact design. The use of lighter com­po­nents allow the robots to achieve fast stack­ing times. The robots come in ver­sions that can offer pay­loads of 120, 180, and 240 kg. All com­mon types of pack­ages can be safe­ly rout­ed with­in the arm’s cas­ing due to the hol­low wrist with a 60mm aper­ture. KUKA spec­i­fies the pur­pose of these mod­els is to boost pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and ensure accu­rate, high-per­for­mance operations.

AMF Automa­tion Tech­nolo­gies select­ed KUKA as its robot­ics sup­pli­er for its meat food dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem. The KUKA KR 180 PA pal­letiz­ing robot will be used in the meat stack­ing and de-stack­ing sys­tem. This will allow man­u­fac­tur­ers to improve work­ing con­di­tions as well and increase through­put. Automat­ing the labor-inten­sive stack­ing and de-stack­ing process­es speeds up pro­duc­tion as robots stack the prod­ucts in food bas­kets via con­vey­or. When the bas­kets return emp­ty, the robots will de-stack: they can be used at both the begin­ning and the end of the meat pack­ing process. 

Cen­tric­i­ty Corporation’s VER­SA-STACK Parts Han­dling Sys­tem is a mod­u­lar sys­tem that is sim­ple to install. It allows the user to cre­ate stacks of dif­fer­ent com­po­nents uti­liz­ing Feed­scape ID feed­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Feed­scape feeds each com­po­nent onto index­ing pins on a dial plate. The com­plet­ed stack is deposit­ed to the robot or pick and place unit. Usu­al­ly unaf­fect­ed by jams, the sys­tem pro­duces sig­nif­i­cant increased in throughput.

Stack­ing automa­tion increas­es pro­duc­tion as the dan­ger­ous heavy-lift­ing tasks are left to robots. Robots​.com inte­grates new and used stack­ing robots into all kinds of fac­to­ries. Con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881 for a free quote or assis­tance in decid­ing which robot is right for you.

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