Gain Application Versatility with Fanuc Loading Robots

Jul 19, 2024

Automating your loading and unloading machine parts application will help to increase the overall productivity and versatility of your production line. Fanuc robots offers a wide range of loading and unloading robot options.


Load­ing and unload­ing machine parts can be tir­ing work. A load­ing robot can take over this mind-numb­ing and back-break­ing job while improv­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and increas­ing out­put. Fanuc offers sev­er­al mod­els of load­ing robots.

The Fanuc M‑710iT machine tool load­ing robot has a 70 kg pay­load and can improve machine pro­duc­tiv­i­ty by 30%. It is a top loader robot, which means it can tip the part to remove coolant and can load the part in either a ver­ti­cal or hor­i­zon­tal for­mat. It also frees up floor space. This mod­el helps speed up cycle time due to the dual part grip­per used to unload machine tools. After the load­ing process, the M‑710iT can also per­form oth­er oper­a­tions, such as gaug­ing, debur­ring, deflash­ing, and labeling. 

The Chi­ron Flex­cell Uno is com­prised of the Fanuc LR Mate 200iC robot and a machin­ing cen­ter. It works as a solu­tion for ful­ly auto­mat­ed load­ing and unload­ing of work pieces dur­ing machin­ing. The LR Mate 200iC robot works with the part from raw to semi-fin­ished to fin­ished, and even clos­es the access door. After the robot picks the part from the tray, it swivels into the machine and loads the part into the fix­ture. The LR Mate 200iC rates best in class for wrist load capac­i­ty, repeata­bil­i­ty, work enve­lope, and speed.

Fanuc has final­ly giv­en small shops access to the same advan­tages of automa­tion as high-vol­ume man­u­fac­tur­ers with its Flex­i­ble Load­ing Solu­tions. These solu­tions are intel­li­gent robot-based sys­tems used in man­u­fac­tur­ing envi­ron­ments. Machine load­ing automa­tion is prac­ti­cal and afford­able for the first time in small batch pro­duc­tion. The Flex­i­ble Load­ing Solu­tions take a fix­ture­less approach to part han­dling with the goal of elim­i­nat­ing automa­tionsetups. This gives the oper­a­tor more time to sim­ply focus on the machin­ing aspects of the job. The sim­ple exchange of robot grip­per fin­gers helps the sys­tem accom­mo­date both stan­dard and irreg­u­lar part shapes. This easy set­up and quick changeover makes the sys­tem flex­i­ble and sim­ple to retool.

Whether the man­u­fac­tur­ing is done in a small shop or a large envi­ron­ment, load­ing automa­tion with Fanuc offers a prac­ti­cal and effi­cient option to increase productivity.

Robots​.com is a cer­ti­fied robot inte­gra­tor of Fanuc Robot­ics. We car­ry a vari­ety of load­ing robots with dif­fer­ent arm reach­es and pay­loads. To find out more on how to pur­chase one of these robots, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881.

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