Handling what America eats: grippers in the food industry

Jul 16, 2013

The food industry embraces industrial robots on their production lines. Automated food handling production lines use specific grippers, such as claw and vacuum grippers, to successfully complete the tasks necessary. These robots bring faster speeds and greater efficiency to the food handling manufacturing lines.


Sev­er­al indus­tries embrace indus­tri­al robot­ics as the fab­ric that keeps pro­duc­tion mov­ing. The food indus­try is no dif­fer­ent. This indus­try makes good use of robot­ic food grip­pers to han­dle the food and drinks that Amer­i­ca consumes.

There are sev­er­al kinds of food robot grip­pers used in the food indus­try today. The two most com­mon­ly used are the claw and vac­u­um grippers.

Claw food grip­pers are made of stain­less steel and are treat­ed to be food-grade. This means they can work with fresh foods, like meats and pro­duce, on pro­cess­ing and pack­ing lines. A robot grip­per like this can be used to haul some­thing as small as a cucum­ber to some­thing as large as a side of beef, depend­ing on the pay­load capacity.

Vac­u­um food grip­pers, robot­ic grip­pers that uti­lize suc­tion cups to grip flat sur­faces or sev­er­al objects at once, are employed in many of the pal­letiz­ing and pack­ag­ing areas. They can han­dle crates, box­es, cans, bot­tles and even pal­lets. Once again, the amount held is deter­mined by the oper­at­ing robot’s pay­load capacity.

These robot food grip­pers have to be coat­ed and designed to oper­ate at dif­fer­ing tem­per­a­ture lev­els. Many are able to tol­er­ate work­ing in refrig­er­at­ed or frozen envi­ron­ments. They must also be able to han­dle uneven and dam­age­able sur­faces, which is why it is impor­tant that these grip­pers are pro­grammed to han­dle the dif­fer­ence in mate­r­i­al tolerances.

All in all, the use of these robot­ic food grip­pers brings a lev­el of speed and accu­ra­cy to the food indus­try that can­not be matched by human hands. The robots also up the lev­el on qual­i­ty con­trol and clean­li­ness on the line as well.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor of sev­er­al dif­fer­ent end effec­tors for many com­pa­nies, has an array of food grip­ping end effec­tors to be used in the food indus­try. Robots​.com can help cus­tomers choose the right robot sys­tem and end effec­tor for their appli­ca­tion and facility.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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