Learn about ABB welding robots

Oct 31, 2013

Welding robots by ABB have proved time and time again that they can increase efficiency and productivity on a production line. Welding robots can work without any breaks and create an incredibly consistent and precise product.


Weld­ing robots increase the effi­cien­cy and qual­i­ty of weld­ing process­es while min­i­miz­ing scrap. ABB is the lead­ing sup­pli­er of weld­ing robots and com­plete weld­ing packages. 

Some robots used for arc weld­ing are: IRB 140, IRB 1410, IRB 1600, IRB 2400, IRB 2600, and IRB 4600. Spot weld­ing robots include: IRB 6620, IRB 6640, IRB 6650S, and the IRB 7600.

The IRB 1520ID is a high pre­ci­sion arc welder with inte­grat­ed process dress­ing. This lean arc robot promis­es sta­ble weld­ing, high path accu­ra­cy, short cycle times, and long life­time with low main­te­nance costs. The hose pack­age on the upper arm and the weld­ing cables at the base are total­ly inte­grat­ed into the robot so that the media (pow­er, weld­ing wire, shield­ing gas, pres­sur­ized air) is rout­ed for max­i­mized performance.

The Arc­Pack for the IRB 1410 is a robot­ic weld­ing pack­age designed to offer high qual­i­ty welds and intel­li­gent con­trols to man­age weld­ing appli­ca­tions in met­al fab­ri­ca­tion. ArcPack’s Mem­o­ry Chan­nel func­tion allows pro­gram­ming of dif­fer­ent para­me­ters with­in one func­tion: weld­ing volt­age, wire feed speed, creep start, and burn-back.

ABB part­nered with Fro­nius Tech­nol­o­gy to devel­op the Arc­Pack U2. This prod­uct fea­tures the IRB 1520ID with Fro­nius weld­ing equip­ment to make a mod­u­lar entry-lev­el weld­ing cell with two fixed sta­tions. It is avail­able as a com­plete weld­ing func­tion pack­age or as an inte­grat­ed cell.

ABB FlexArc robot­ic weld­ing cells are com­plete sys­tems ensur­ing the weld­ing process­es run smoothly.

Robots​.com car­ries many ABB weld­ing robots and work­cells. To find the right one for you, con­tact us online or at 8777626881.

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