Modular Packaging Robot

Jul 29, 2013

PackWorld is a modular packaging robot that can handle low-cost, high functionality packaging applications for a quick delivery. The modular packaging robot solution will provide low engineering costs, increased productivity, and decreased worker safety issues.


Pack­World, devel­oped by Motoman, is an inno­v­a­tive pre-engi­neered solu­tion for robot­ic pack­ag­ing. The mod­u­lar cell is equipped to han­dle low-cost, high func­tion­al­i­ty pack­ag­ing appli­ca­tions with a focus on quick deliv­ery. The ben­e­fits of this mod­u­lar stan­dard solu­tion are low engi­neer­ing costs, increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and decreased work­er delays and safe­ty issues.

Com­po­nents of Pack­World include a 6‑axis robot, NX100 con­troller and appli­ca­tion-dri­ven soft­ware, inte­grat­ed grip­per pack­age, divider rack, pow­er con­vey­or, and oper­a­tor inter­face. Motomans SV3X, HP6, HP20, and UP50N robot mod­els can be inte­grat­ed with the system.

The robots’ grip­pers can be mechan­i­cal or vac­u­um, depend­ing on the manufacturer’s pack­ag­ing require­ments. The grip­pers can be recon­fig­ured to accom­mo­date a wide range of prod­uct types, and ran­dom ori­en­ta­tion is not a prob­lem. They also allow mul­ti­ple picks simultaneously.

Pack­World is equipped with spe­cial pow­er fail­ure recov­ery pro­cess­ing, and hom­ing oper­a­tions will not be nec­es­sary after a pow­er loss due to the absolute encoders. This ensures the user does not have to spend time and mon­ey on re-start­ing the sys­tem after a pow­er fail­ure or oth­er shutdowns.

The add-on mod­ules for Pack­World encour­age cus­tomiza­tion and sys­tem upgrad­ing. These options include off-line pro­gram­ming, label print­ing and apply­ing, belt or two-strand con­vey­or and mul­ti­ple prod­uct infeed con­vey­ors, par­ti­tion insert­er, and case erector.

Motoman’s high-speed robots are ide­al for pack­ag­ing, and Pack­World ensures mod­ules are inte­grat­ed with the robot for fast and effi­cient pack­ag­ing oper­a­tions. Robots​.com pro­vides Inte­gra­tion-Ready Motoman robots. If you would like to incor­po­rate a mod­u­lar pack­ag­ing robot, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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