Part Transfer Robots - A Cost Effective Solution

Jul 15, 2013

Automating your part transfer process will help to more effectively transition your parts from one location to another. Part transfer robots are a cost effective and safe solution for adding to your production line. Part transfer robots have been innovated with additional options such as vision systems.


Part trans­fer­ring is self-explana­to­ry: it is a type of mate­r­i­al han­dling in which the robot trans­fers parts from one loca­tion to anoth­er. Since trans­fer­ring heavy and cum­ber­some parts can be dan­ger­ous for humans, part trans­fer robots are a cost-effec­tive and safe solu­tion. They also help speed pro­duc­tion. Recent advances in robot end-of-arm tool­ing as well as vision sys­tems con­tin­ue to increase the val­ue of part trans­fer robots.

Fanuc Robot­ics offers an all-encom­pass­ing line of indus­tri­al part trans­fer robots. Fanuc’s part trans­fer robots can per­form up to 30 cycles per minute and can han­dle any­where from a 2 kg to a 1200 kg pay­load. All of the robots are equipped with iRVi­sion, which pro­vides real time error proof­ing to ensure qual­i­ty and prop­er pack­ag­ing. The Fanuc M‑2000iA can han­dle appli­ca­tions oth­er robots can­not; for instance, The Fanuc M‑2000iA/​1200 was cho­sen by Elli­son Tech­nolo­gies to trans­fer large weld­ments. The robot’s end-of-arm grip­per is designed to pick and place four dif­fer­ent types of weld­ments. The M‑2000iA/​1200 uses 3DL iRVi­sion to locate the weld­ment on a con­vey­er, and after pick­ing up the weld­ment, uses 2D iRVi­sion to locate the weld­ment in its grip­per. All of Fanuc’s sys­tems oper­ate togeth­er seamlessly.

Motoman Robot­ics offers robots that can trans­fer parts of all shapes and sizes with pay­loads from 2 – 600 kg. Motomans robots are dual-arm, allow­ing the robot to trans­fer a part with­out ever hav­ing to set it down. Press tend­ing robots can even pass parts to one anoth­er. The DA20 mod­el boasts a 13-axis design (six axes per arm and a sin­gle axis for base rota­tion) and human-like” flex­i­ble movement. 

KUKA designs its part trans­fer robots specif­i­cal­ly to han­dle a wide range of appli­ca­tions. The KR 500 L3403 mod­el has a large work enve­lope and an extend­ed reach. The KR 60-3 has a fist-shaped work enve­lope and enables the user to imple­ment space-sav­ing sys­tem concepts. 

Because of the recent advances in part trans­fer tech­nolo­gies, robots are becom­ing even more ben­e­fi­cial when a process requires part trans­fer. Robots​.com can help you choose the right part trans­fer­ring robot. Con­tact us here or call 8777626881.

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