Protecting Product Integrity with Food Packaging Robots

Jul 23, 2013

Industrial robots in the food packaging industry helps to protect the product integrity. The food packaging robots can conduct operations in picking, packing, and palletizing, and can also be used for meat cutting and beverage dispensing. Converting your process to automated packaging system can help cut costs, decrease floor space limitation, increase productivity, and address product integrity.


Some­times it can be a has­sle to remove the over-wrap and pack­ag­ing food prod­ucts come in, but the pack­ages are there for cus­tomers’ safe­ty and sat­is­fac­tion. Robots have auto­mat­ed the food pack­ag­ing process, mak­ing it a more effi­cient and reli­able process. Food pack­ag­ing robots are flex­i­ble enough to han­dle a wide vari­ety of pack­ag­ing, and they gen­er­al­ly have low main­te­nance require­ments, so they can repeat the motion with reli­a­bil­i­ty and speed. Robots in the food and bev­er­age indus­try are ben­e­fi­cial for tra­di­tion­al appli­ca­tions like pick­ing, pack­ing, and pal­letiz­ing, and can even be used for meat cut­ting and bev­er­age dis­pens­ing. Con­vert­ing to an auto­mat­ed pack­ag­ing sys­tem cuts costs, increas­es pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and address­es prod­uct integri­ty con­cerns and floor space limitations.

Robots’ pack­ing of food can be described in two process­es: pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary pack­ag­ing. Pri­ma­ry pack­ag­ing occurs when the robot places foods into the first wrap­per or lay­er of pack­ag­ing. The need for quick out­put in pri­ma­ry pack­ag­ing is immense, and robots are up to the task. Sec­ondary pack­ag­ing occurs when the robot inserts the pri­ma­ry wrapped prod­uct into the next lay­er of pack­ag­ing, like a case or carton. 

Robot Pack­ag­ing, LLC offers both ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal load­ing sys­tems with the abil­i­ty to load a vari­ety of pack­aged prod­ucts into con­tain­ers like cas­es, crates, trays, or totes. The high-speed, com­pact robots can also inspect cas­es and prod­ucts, can sort and dis­trib­ute prod­ucts, and can per­form cut­ting and case coding.

Fanucs M‑710iC/50H robot is an ide­al solu­tion for the food and bev­er­age indus­try. It is a 5‑axis mod­el that offers a large work enve­lope and a com­pact size for work in small places. The M‑710iC/​50H is equipped with iRVi­sion line track­ing which allows it to track and pick three ran­dom­ly ori­ent­ed cased prod­ucts at a time. It fea­tures enclosed motors and cables, and it has a 50kg payload.

Motoman offers the fol­low­ing pack­ag­ing robots: SV035, SV3, SCARA, UP20, and HP6.

KUKA offers the KR 40 PA, KR 50 PA, KR 100 – 2 PA, KR 180-2PA, and KR 150 pack­ag­ing models.

Robots​.com pro­vides Inte­gra­tion-Ready Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA robots to include their food pack­ag­ing robots. If you are inter­est­ed in acquir­ing one of these robots or aren’t sure where to start, con­tact us online or call 8777626881.

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