Robot Cell Versatility

Sep 18, 2013

A robotic workcell consists of a robot, controller, and peripherals, all are important in the completion of of tasks on the production line. Workcells gain versatility opening up new doors for automation, as they can use a variety for robots and lay-outs depending on the user's application needs.


A robot cell, a com­plete sys­tem of robot, con­troller, and periph­er­als, needs to oper­ate smooth­ly and effi­cient­ly to com­plete tasks. As work­cells gain ver­sa­til­i­ty, a new range of oppor­tu­ni­ties are opened for automa­tion.

Proven­tia believes their com­pa­ny gained a pos­i­tive com­pet­i­tive advan­tage when they equipped robot sys­tems with PC-based con­trol tech­nol­o­gy. Proven­tia works on auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion lines in the elec­tron­ics, met­al­work­ing, and com­pos­ites indus­tries. Their robot sys­tems are extreme­ly ver­sa­tile and their soft­ware allows for a vari­ety of move­ments. The CIRV500i is a ver­sa­tile robot­ic cell that can cov­er a wide range of tasks in the elec­tron­ics indus­try due to its mod­u­lar struc­ture. The CIRB500i is used to pro­duce a high vol­ume of elec­tron­ics items, attach­ing parts, labels, and logos, assem­bly, pack­ing, and testing.

ABB offers FlexArc robot­ic weld­ing cells that are com­plete robot sys­tems. The mod­u­lar pack­ages offered are flex­i­ble and ver­sa­tile. All of FlexArc cells have repli­cas of the real cell that are avail­able in a vir­tu­al com­put­er for­mat by using Robot­Stu­dio software.

Robot­ic Automa­tion Sys­tems works on turnkey auto­mat­ed assem­bly cells for plas­tic injec­tion mold­ing, insert mold­ing, and over-mold­ing process­es. These assem­bly cells are cus­tom designed and built specif­i­cal­ly for the user’s appli­ca­tion. These cells may include bowl feeder/​part ori­en­ta­tion, con­vey­or sys­tems, vision inspec­tion and ori­en­ta­tion, or pack­ag­ing. Both 6‑axis and SCARA robots can be used in these work­cells, depend­ing on the application.

At the Uni­ver­si­ty of Old­en­burg in Ger­many, engi­neers are work­ing to devel­op and con­trol a ver­sa­tile nano-han­dling robot cell. The cell in a scan­ning elec­tron micro­scope requires two micro­ro­bots coop­er­at­ing in the cham­ber of the micro­scope. A 3‑D graph­i­cal inter­face deliv­ers infor­ma­tion that might not be dis­cov­ered in a typ­i­cal scan­ning elec­tron micro­scope image. 

As tech­nol­o­gy allows engi­neers to probe fur­ther into their quest for ver­sa­til­i­ty, auto­mat­ed work­cells con­tin­ue to replace what could only be man­u­al tasks in the past. Robots​.com is a cer­ti­fied indus­tri­al robot inte­gra­tor who can help you cre­ate and inte­grate a robot­ic work cell that can add ver­sa­til­i­ty to your shop. To find out how, con­tact us at 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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