The Differences and Similarities of the Fanuc R-2000iB/165F and the Fanuc R-2000iB/210F

Sep 7, 2023

​Fanuc robotics offers users the Fanuc R-2000iB series, a very strong, versatile, and high performance series for production lines across the globe. For instance the R-2000iB/165F robot and the R-2000iB/210F robots bring amazingly strong payloads and great repeatability. Both of these robots can be used for a variety of applications, including automotive spot welding, material handling, part transfer, material removal, dispensing, and machine loading.


Fanuc Robot­ics has pro­duced a vari­ety of mate­r­i­al han­dling, weld­ing, dis­pens­ing, and mate­r­i­al removal indus­tri­al robots since its begin­ning in the 1970s. One series of robots that stands out for its heavy pay­load and high per­for­mance capa­bil­i­ties is the Fanuc R‑2000iB series. This series of robots pro­duced nine dis­tinct robots with dif­fer­ent pay­load lim­its, reach­es, motion speeds and ranges, and repeata­bil­i­ty, while also hav­ing many sim­i­lar­i­ties. Two of those robots are the Fanuc R‑2000iB/​165F and the Fanuc R‑2000iB/​210F.

Let’s start off with the dif­fer­ences between the 165F and the 210F. The R2000iB/​165F has a 0.02 repeata­bil­i­ty and a mass of 1170kg, with a pay­load capa­bil­i­ty of 165kg. The R2000iB/​210F has a 0.03 repeata­bil­i­ty and a 1240kg mass, with a pay­load capa­bil­i­ty of 210kg. Both robots have dif­fer­ent motion speeds, wrist moments, and wrist iner­tias. In the eyes of many man­u­fac­tur­ers, this is where the dif­fer­ences end.

There are many sim­i­lar­i­ties that exist between the R‑2000iB/​165F and the R‑2000iB/​210F because they are part of the same series. Both robots are extreme­ly ver­sa­tile and can be used for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, includ­ing auto­mo­tive spot weld­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling, part trans­fer, mate­r­i­al removal, dis­pens­ing, and machine load­ing, as well as oth­er gen­er­al indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions, accord­ing to Fanuc. These robots have a slim arm and wrist, which allows them to fit into con­fined and hard to reach places, giv­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers even more ver­sa­til­i­ty when plan­ning their appli­ca­tions. Each robot also has a 2655mm hor­i­zon­tal reach and six degrees of free­dom. Both mod­els can use the R‑30iA con­troller, which allows for advanced motion con­trol, and both have the option of using Fanuc iRVi­sion.

All in all, both the Fanuc R‑2000iB/​165F and the Fanuc R‑2000iB/​210F are reli­able and stur­dy robots with a tra­di­tion of qual­i­ty from their man­u­fac­tur­er. The small dif­fer­ences between these two mod­els real­ly leave the choice up to the manufacturer’s needs and preferences.

For more infor­ma­tion about these or oth­er Fanuc mod­els, con­tact Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied Fanuc Robot­ics inte­gra­tor, at 8777626881 or reach experts online.

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