What do the KUKA abbreviations represent?

Nov 19, 2017

KUKA stands for Keller und Knappich Augsburg and they specialize in manufacturing industrial robots. The abbreviations in the KUKA robot names delineate the job they specialize in accomplishing. Robots.com experts have provided a guide to help better understand what these abbreviations represent.


KUKA, an acronym for Keller und Knap­pich Augs­burg, spe­cial­izes in the man­u­fac­tur­ing of indus­tri­al robots and automa­tion solu­tions. A lit­tle his­to­ry to bet­ter under­stand the mean­ing of the name. KUKA was found­ed in 1898, in Augs­burg, Ger­many by Johann Josef Keller and Jacob Knap­pich. It’s begin­ning focus was on house and street lights; they even­tu­al­ly grew and merged with part of Indus­trie-Werke Karl­sruhe AG to become Indus­trie-Werke Karl­sruhe Augs­burg Aktienge­sellschaft, or KUKA for short.

A lot of KUKA robots have abbre­vi­a­tions in their name to help delin­eate the job it spe­cial­izes in. If you aren’t cer­tain what those let­ters mean, look no fur­ther! We have pro­vid­ed a guide, below, to help clar­i­fy the mean­ing of the KUKA mod­el let­ters to aid in your selec­tion of the most per­fect robot for your automa­tion needs. 

HA= high accu­ra­cy, exam­ple: KUKA KR60

KS= shelf mount, exam­ple: KUKA KR304 KS

F= foundry, exam­ple: KUKA KR603 F

CR= clean­room, exam­ple: KUKA KR-30 – 3 CR

KS‑F= shelf mount, foundry, exam­ple: KUKA KR-30 – 3 KS F

PA= pal­letiz­ing, exam­ple: KUKA KR-180 PA

Press= press-to-press, exam­ple: KUKA KR 100 P

Arc= arc weld­ing, exam­ple: KUKA KR 6 arc

HW= hol­low wrist, exam­ple: KUKA KR5 – 2 arc HW

If you are inter­est­ed in a KUKA robot, con­tact our Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives today online or at 8777626881.

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