ABB's Robo-TiGTiP Welding Brings Innovation to the Welding Game

Dec 3, 2016

ABB never stops innovating and creating amazing solutions that solve customer's needs or requests. This is seen with the revolutionary welding system recently developed called Robot-TiGTiP. ABB's TiGTiPis one of the most effective robotic welding solutions bringing faster, cleaner and lower heat welds. These attributes of the TiGTiP bring some of the cleanest and highest quality welds on the manufacturing line.


His­to­ry has proven that ABB is cease­less­ly striv­ing and inno­vat­ing to be among the best. This hard work and ded­i­ca­tion nev­er fails to cre­ate amaz­ing solu­tions to cur­rent prob­lems and ulti­mate­ly meet the cus­tomer’s needs and/​or spe­cif­ic requests. Thus, it is no sur­prise that ABB has pro­duced a rev­o­lu­tion­ary weld­ing tech­nol­o­gy that is high­ly sought after as it offers amaz­ing ben­e­fits to the man­u­fac­tur­er and cus­tomer, alike! 

Robo-TiPTiG weld­ing is one of the most effec­tive robot­ic weld­ing func­tions avail­able. It is able to pro­duce faster and clean­er welds, with a low­er heat, enhanc­ing the prod­uct qual­i­ty and work­place safe­ty. Tru­ly chang­ing the weld­ing game in near­ly every industry! 

ABB’s inge­nious TIP/TIG weld­ing sys­tem enables an easy inte­gra­tion of robots in a way that is user-friend­ly. The entire process is super easy to learn, to teach, and to use. We could­n’t imag­ine an eas­i­er, more valu­able solu­tion to your weld­ing needs! 

This appli­ca­tion is dif­fer­ent from nor­mal TIG weld­ing as there is a vibra­to­ry effect added to the filler wire. This then cre­ates an oscil­la­tion that is trans­ferred into the weld, dis­rupt­ing the sur­face ten­sion and agi­tat­ing the weld pool. The ben­e­fits this small amount of addi­tion­al move­ment brings are quite large. For exam­ple, they pro­vide greater tol­er­ance to joint fit-up, increase the flu­id­i­ty of the weld pool, have a high­er depo­si­tion, reduced heat input, and over­all reduced cycle time. 

Typ­i­cal­ly, TIG weld­ing is one of the slow­er forms of weld­ing, but ABB has been able to improve speeds (up to four times!) and over­all qual­i­ty with their auto­mat­ed TIP/TIG welding.

This patent pend­ing tech­nol­o­gy is avail­able as a pack­age which includes the Robo-TiPTiG torch tech­nol­o­gy and a ful­ly inte­grat­ed robot­ic inter­face. Learn more about this appli­ca­tion here.

Get ready to increase your weld­ing process with ABB’s Robo-TiPTiG sys­tem! If you are look­ing for an automa­tion sys­tem that offers effi­cien­cy, flex­i­bil­i­ty, and high speed per­for­mance then this is the per­fect option for your weld­ing needs! TIP/TIG can round out your man­u­fac­tur­ing process and bring excel­lent capa­bil­i­ty and versatility. 

Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from ABB and is ready to dis­cuss your exact needs. For more infor­ma­tion con­tact experts today online or at 8777626881.

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