Compact Robots at

Sep 19, 2013

Compact robots can offer companies an option to tackle large amounts of work at greatly reduced footprints. offers a variety of compact options that can fit into tight work spaces yet offering great benefits and zero compromise of capability.


Good things come in small pack­ages. Com­pact robots fit into small work spaces, and are just as flex­i­ble and pro­duc­tive as their larg­er coun­ter­parts. One of the obvi­ous ben­e­fits of com­pact robots are their great­ly reduced footprints.

Dimen­sions of com­pact robots are far small­er than con­ven­tion­al robot cells. This enables the machines to fit eas­i­ly even into the small­est fac­to­ry space and inte­grate with oth­er equip­ment. With out­stand­ing flex­i­bil­i­ty, com­pact robots are designed to com­plete big jobs in small spaces. Com­pact robots offer excel­lent reli­a­bil­i­ty for con­stant oper­a­tion, as they are con­struct­ed with min­i­mal mov­ing parts. Capa­bil­i­ty is not com­pro­mised because of size.

Com­pact robots gen­er­al­ly offer slim body design, as well as com­pact wrist design to enable greater motion and less mechan­i­cal restric­tions than com­pa­ra­ble larg­er-sized robots. Supe­ri­or ser­vo con­trols enable high-speed motion con­trol for smooth and pre­cise operations. 

Although they are small, com­pact robots are still valu­able to many indus­tries. One indus­try in par­tic­u­lar that has ben­e­fit­ed from com­pact six-axis robots is the cos­met­ics indus­try. Com­pact robots eas­i­ly han­dle small, del­i­cate items, and make­up pro­duc­tion and pack­ag­ing effi­cien­cy soared with the help of com­pact automation.

Fanuc offers sev­er­al com­pact robots and con­trollers, notably the M‑710iC series and the M‑1ia. KUKA’s com­pact robots, both – and 6‑axis mod­els, uti­lize the PC-based con­trol plat­form KRC. Motoman devel­oped the HP3 and MH6 high-speed com­pact robot arms as well as com­pact weld­ing systems.

As the foot­prints get small­er, qual­i­ty and effi­cien­cy is not sac­ri­ficed with these com­pact options. Robots​.com offers a large vari­ety of com­pact robots at a reduced price. New or used, we can ful­ly inte­grate a robot into your facil­i­ty. Con­tact us today for a free price quote, online or at 8777626881.

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