Material Handling integrates new and reconditioned robot systems for a broad spectrum of robotic applications. Our robot integration experience and knowledge is a great benefit to our customers. We want your production line to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible and can identify the best robot solution for your specific application requirements. works with customers to design, build and integrate custom and turnkey solutions for some of the industries most common applications.

Mate­r­i­al han­dling robots can auto­mate some of the most tedious, dull , and unsafe tasks in a pro­duc­tion line and is one of the eas­i­est ways to add automa­tion. Mate­r­i­al han­dling robots enhance the effi­cien­cy of your pro­duc­tion line and increase cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion by pro­vid­ing qual­i­ty prod­ucts in a time­ly manner.

The term mate­r­i­al han­dling encom­pass­es a wide vari­ety of prod­uct move­ments on the shop floor. Part selec­tion and trans­fer­ring, pal­letiz­ing, pack­ing, and machine load­ing are just a few of the appli­ca­tion that are con­sid­ered mate­r­i­al handling.

When pick­ing mate­r­i­al han­dling equip­ment for your facil­i­ty, you should con­sid­er pay­load an speed require­ments, end-of-arm tool­ing or grip­pers need­ed facil­i­ty lay­out and floor-space, type of mate­r­i­al to be han­dled and any addi­tion­al pos­si­ble pro­duc­tion problems.

TIE spe­cial­izes in a new and used mate­r­i­al han­dling robots from the name-brand man­u­fac­tur­ers. With a large stock of robot han­dling sys­tems, we can help you select and cus­tomize it right away. We offer new and refur­bished mate­r­i­al han­dling robots from top brands: FANUC, Yaskawa Motoman, ABB, and KUKA for afford­able prices. We pro­vide com­plete cus­tomer ser­vice, engi­neer­ing, and train­ing. All of the recon­di­tioned robots have under­gone a very rig­or­ous refur­bish­ment process bring­ing them back to opti­mal condition.

Robot­ic mate­r­i­al han­dling work­cells are also avail­able. Robot­Worx is com­mit­ted to work­ing with each of its cus­tomers to cre­ate the best new or used cus­tomized robot han­dling sys­tem possible.

Mate­r­i­al Han­dling Robot Applications

Material handling robot applications 1

Assem­bly Robots

Assem­bly robots are used for lean indus­tri­al process­es and have expand­ed pro­duc­tion capa­bil­i­ties in the man­u­fac­tur­ing world. An assem­bly line robot can dra­mat­i­cal­ly increase pro­duc­tion speed and con­sis­ten­cy. They also save work­ers from tedious and dull assem­bly line jobs.

Learn More About Our Assembly Robots

Dis­pens­ing Robot Applications

Using indus­tri­al robots for dis­pens­ing not only increas­es the speed at which items are released or poured, but also increas­es the accu­ra­cy of exact amounts.

Robot Dispensing And Sealing

Learn More About Our Dispensing Robots

Injec­tion Mold­ing Robot Applications

Injec­tion mold­ing machines are able to run con­stant­ly when tend­ed by robots. This leads to increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and depend­able cycle times. They are also able to main­tain the same tim­ing, place­ment, and effi­cien­cy with­out tak­ing breaks or mak­ing mistakes.

Abb Material Removal Robots

Learn More About Our Injection Molding Robots