Automating with used ABB robots

Dec 14, 2013

When you are considering automating your production facility, look no further than new or used ABB robots. In order to find the perfect robot, it will help to figure out your specific application's needs and then how the robot will perform the application. Once the process has been thought through and then integrated, an ABB robot will provide you with increased speeds and flexibility.


Automa­tion with indus­tri­al robots is becom­ing the stan­dard in indus­tri­al man­u­fac­tur­ing today. One of the top com­pa­nies, ABB Robot­ics, has new and refur­bished robots that fac­to­ries can use to auto­mate their processes.

Sev­er­al dif­fer­ent mar­kets uti­lize ABB refur­bished robot automa­tion on their pro­duc­tion lines and for end-of-line appli­ca­tions. These mar­kets include alu­minum pro­cess­ing, auto­mo­tive, con­struc­tion, chem­i­cal, ener­gy, food and bev­er­age, marine, met­al, min­ing, oil and gas and water, along with dozens of oth­ers. In each indus­try, automat­ing with used ABB robots can improve the over­all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of the facil­i­ty, as well as save the man­u­fac­tur­er time and mon­ey in the process.

To be suc­cess­ful with the automa­tion of used ABB robots in your facil­i­ty, you need to have a good plan going in. That means sit­ting down and fig­ur­ing out what appli­ca­tions you wish to auto­mate, and then fig­ur­ing out the way a robot may move per­form­ing that appli­ca­tion, as opposed to a human work­er. Some­times, man­u­fac­tur­ers have to reimag­ine their appli­ca­tion process from begin­ning to end for inte­gra­tion to make sense. But, once the plan­ning is done, used ABB robot­ic automa­tion will give your line the speed and flex­i­bil­i­ty that you didn’t know you were always missing.

So, what appli­ca­tions can used ABB robot auto­mate? There are dozens of options, includ­ing arc weld­ing, spot weld­ing,assem­bly, dis­pens­ing, paint­ing and coat­ing, bond­ing and seal­ing, grind­ing, drilling, pol­ish­ing, pack­ag­ing and pal­letiz­ing. Almost any tedious, dull job on a pro­duc­tion line, as well as jobs that can cause humans injury, can be auto­mat­ed with ABB refur­bished robot sys­tems. This not only increas­es the qual­i­ty of pro­duc­tion, but also decreas­es down­time and increas­es morale among work­ers, who can have their skills bet­ter utilized.

It sounds like a lot of plan­ning, doesn’t it? Well, that’s why com­pa­nies like Robots​.com are here to help you in every step of the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of your used ABB robot automa­tion. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from ABB Robot­ics. Because of this part­ner­ship, our com­pa­ny has access to hun­dreds of new and used ABB robots, as well as parts and features.

For more infor­ma­tion on how Robots​.com can help you auto­mate a used ABB robot sys­tem, con­tact us online or at 8777626881.

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