Sizing Up Robotic Arm Controllers

Jun 23, 2013

Robotic companies offer their individual controllers, many with two main sizes: a full-size and compact system. The robotic arm controllers are large computers that feed programmed code from the teach pendant to the robot, allowing the robot to interact with the environment.


Robot­ic arm con­trollers are the nerve cen­ters of each robot. The con­troller is a large com­put­er that feeds pro­grammed code from the teach pen­dant to the robot, allow­ing it to inter­act with oth­er sys­tems or to run an application.

There are two dif­fer­ent sizes of robot­ic con­trollers, depend­ing on the com­pa­ny – the full-sized con­troller and the com­pact con­troller. Many com­pa­nies like Fanuc, Motoman, and KUKA car­ry both full-sized and com­pact con­trollers for dif­fer­ent robots. How­ev­er, it seems that the trend is mov­ing more toward the small­er, com­pact robot­ic arm con­trollers that save space and energy.

Fanuc, a leader in the indus­tri­al robot field, offers sev­er­al dif­fer­ent con­troller types for their robots — the RJ2, RJ3, RJ3iB, RJ3iC, R30iA, and the R30iB.

The new­er mod­els are the R30iA and the R30iB. While the R30iA is a full-sized con­troller, the R30iB is a com­pact mod­el. Both mod­els have their advan­tages, but the R30iB (the newest mod­el), is equipped to han­dle iRVi­sion 2‑D and 3‑D vision pro­grams, as well as being equipped with the iPen­dant Touch, which is more user friend­ly than pre­vi­ous models.

Yaskawa Motoman Robot­ics also has robot arm con­trollers in var­i­ous shapes and sizes – the ERC, MRC, XRC, NX100, DX100, DXM100 and the newest mod­el, the FS100, which is a com­pact unit.

The FS100 robot­ic arm con­troller is space effi­cient and pow­er­ful – tru­ly an inno­va­tion for Motoman. At only 20kg, this small con­troller still packs a punch. It is 2 – 4 times faster than the DX100 con­troller and is designed to han­dle small­er pack­ag­ing and part han­dling robots with a less than 20kg pay­load capacity.

Anoth­er com­pact option for Motoman cus­tomers is the DXM100 con­troller. This robot­ic arm con­troller also has faster per­for­mance than oth­er full-sized mod­els. The con­troller can also con­trol up to eight robots or 72 axes.

When it comes to KUKA Robot­ics, the two con­trollers to talk about are the same, and yet dif­fer­ent. They are the KR C4 and KR C4 com­pact robot­ic arm con­trollers. While they dif­fer in size, they deliv­er the same high per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty to the con­sumer. This gen­er­a­tion of KUKA robot­ic arm con­trollers are more pow­er­ful, flex­i­ble and intel­li­gent than oth­er mod­els. They come with equipped with a smart­PAD pen­dant that is user-friend­ly and has a touch screen.

As you can see, there are many dif­fer­ent robot con­trollers avail­able from dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies to con­trol sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot mod­els. How would you ever be able put it all togeth­er, right? That is where Robots​.com comes in.

Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robot­ics. The com­pa­ny can match you with the right robot and con­troller for your appli­ca­tion. Our high­ly-skilled team will work with you to build a sys­tem that will leave you 100 per­cent satisfied.

For more infor­ma­tion about robot­ic arm con­trollers, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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