Did You Know: The Fanuc ArcMate 100iB and M-6iB Robots-Same Robot, Different Use

May 12, 2016

​Fanuc robotics is an industry leader among the automation manufacturers. Fanuc does a phenomenal job of designing their products with the customer in mind, creating countless robotic solutions to tackle virtually any application. Fanuc has created the Fanuc ARC Mate 100ib and Fanuc M-6iB robots so masterfully that they were sought after by different applications. The ARC Mate 100iB and M-6iB both provide high performance through their superior design features for differing applications.

No appli­ca­tion is left behind with Fanuc on your side. The com­pa­ny does a supe­ri­or job of keep­ing the cus­tomer in mind as it cre­ates count­less robots to tack­le any type of appli­ca­tion. Some­times, a robot is cre­at­ed so per­fect­ly that it will be diver­si­fied to be a mas­ter for dif­fer­ent applications. 

The Fanuc Arc Mate 100iB and Fanuc M‑6iB are essen­tial­ly the same robot but designed to con­quer dif­fer­ent types of appli­ca­tions. The M‑6iB is the stan­dard robot mod­el and the Arc Mate 100iB spe­cial­izes in weld­ing appli­ca­tions. The Arc Mate 100iB and M‑6iB con­sis­tent­ly pro­vide high per­for­mance through fea­tures designed to increase pro­duc­tion. Despite the dif­fer­ent jobs, each stan­dard robot offers a 6 kg pay­load, +/-0.08mm repeata­bil­i­ty, a large work area, and a long reach. They are both six-axis, mod­u­lar con­struc­tion, com­pact, flex­i­ble, and pre­cise. The robots have increased axis speeds and elec­tric ser­vo dri­ves which help to reduce cycle times.

Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB and M6iB robots

The Fanuc Arc Mate 100iB Applications 

This robot is per­fect for weld­ing jobs as it tack­les Mig Weld­ing, Plas­ma Weld­ing, Arc Weld­ing, Elec­tron Beam, Flux Cored Weld­ing, and/​or Tig Weld­ing. The Arc Mate has a sim­ple and reli­able con­struc­tion which pro­vides accu­rate and con­sis­tent path per­for­mance for your weld­ing job. 

The Fanuc M‑6iB Applications 

This is the exact same robot as the Arc Mate 100iB but it is designed to com­plete dif­fer­ent jobs such as Pick and Place, machine tend­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling, assem­bly, mate­r­i­al removal, clean room oper­a­tions, test­ing and sam­pling, and dis­pens­ing. Just like the Arc Mate 100iB, the M‑6iB offers enhanced per­for­mance options to help its cus­tomers tack­le high speed, yet light weight appli­ca­tions. These improve­ments raise the bar for high-speed motion as they can main­tain high speeds for extend­ed peri­ods where com­pet­ing robots can only achieve these rates for short-dura­tion bursts. Here you can see an M‑6iB robot help­ing to pick health­care items to be placed in a box. 

Each Robot Offers… 

Two Sizes:

The M‑6iB series and the Arc Mate 100iB offer two sizes to accom­mo­date all needs for all appli­ca­tions. There stan­dard mod­els offer a vari­ant for a greater reach at 1373mm. The small­er vari­ants help with tight instal­la­tions (M‑6iB/​6S and the Arc Mate 100iB/​6s) with a 951 mm reach. The small­er option of these robots also enable man­u­fac­tur­ers to install mul­ti­ple robots in close prox­im­i­ty, sav­ing valu­able floor space. 

Com­pact Size: 

These robots have a com­pact size, slim wrist, and small foot­print that per­mit reli­a­bil­i­ty while they oper­ate in tight work spaces. The com­pact yet flex­i­ble design sim­pli­fies instal­la­tion, max­i­mizes reach capa­bil­i­ty with­in con­fined areas and enables high-den­si­ty instal­la­tion of robots and periph­er­als This design is flex­i­ble and helps to sim­pli­fy instal­la­tion, max­i­mize reach capa­bil­i­ty with­in con­fined areas, and enables high-den­si­ty instal­la­tion of robots and peripherals. 

Nar­row Wrist: 

They both con­tain nar­row wrists, mak­ing the inside of parts or oth­er machines eas­i­ly accessible. 

Mount­ing Options: 

Mount­ing options are also diverse as they can be upright, angled, wall, or invert­ed mount­ing which allows the robot to flip over back­wards for a larg­er work enve­lope while pro­vid­ing rigid­i­ty. Mount­ing options are not an issue as they both allow for mul­ti­ple posi­tions, even in the most dif­fi­cult fac­to­ry settings. 

High Speeds:

They offer max­i­mum per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with their high motion speeds, best in class reach ver­sus stroke ratio, and an extreme­ly large work enve­lope use­ful for large parts or com­plex tool­ing. The wrist is incred­i­bly fast, which helps to reduce air cut times and increase throughput. 


To add dura­bil­i­ty, the wire feed motor mounts direct­ly to the top of the robot arm with sealed bear­ings and pro­tect­ed dri­ves. They are com­pat­i­ble with major brands of weld­ing equip­ment for max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty. Ded­i­cat­ed pneu­mat­ic and elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions on the J3 axis allow for easy inte­gra­tion of EOAT.


The M‑6iB and Arc Mate 100iB can be pro­grammed with a RJ3iB. This con­troller fea­tures a large LCD screen and intu­itive con­trol over the process while also improv­ing per­for­mance and sim­pli­fy­ing sys­tem integration. 

No mat­ter the appli­ca­tion, one of these robots are sure to do the job pre­cise­ly, and quick­ly. The fea­ture-rich stan­dard capa­bil­i­ties and options of both of these robots pro­vide dex­ter­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and high speeds. This makes either of these robots the per­fect solu­tion for your next appli­ca­tion project and work­ing envi­ron­ment. If you are inter­est­ed in increas­ing your ROI, and mov­ing towards automa­tion with an Arc Mate 100iB or M‑6iB, con­tact Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc online or at 8777626881.

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