Conquering a Multitude of Jobs with the Motoman HP50 Series

Jul 14, 2016

​The integration of the Motoman HP50 series can handle a wide range of applications including material handling, material removal, bonding/sealing, fiberglass cutting, foundry, assembly, and cutting. The Motoman HP50 brings six axes of performance, up to a 50 kg in payload, and a sleek body requiring minimal installation space. Contact representatives today to get started with your installation process.

There is no deny­ing that an inte­gra­tion of any Motoman robot will save you time and mon­ey. The Motoman HP50 series, in par­tic­u­lar, will be one you don’t want to miss! There isn’t a job these robots can­not tack­le; from mate­r­i­al han­dling to assem­bling and cut­ting, there is a wide range of solu­tions avail­able for prac­ti­cal­ly every appli­ca­tion, in almost every pay­load and reach necessary!

The fol­low­ing robots are amaz­ing options to choose from, depend­ing on your appli­ca­tion needs. Keep read­ing below to find out which one is per­fect for you! 

Yaskawa Motoman HP50 Robot

The Motoman HP50

The stan­dard Motoman HP50 is a six-axis robot that can han­dle a pay­load of up to 50 kg while offer­ing supe­ri­or per­for­mance in a mul­ti­tude of appli­ca­tions such as machine tend­ing, dis­pens­ing, han­dling, mate­r­i­al removal, bonding/​sealing, cut­ting, fiber­glass cut­ting, foundry, machine tend­ing, meat pro­cess­ing automa­tion, pick and place, and plas­ma cut­ting.

The HP50 robot body is sleek, high-speed, and requires min­i­mal instal­la­tion space. The design and stream­lined body help to save floor space as it can be placed close to machines for the load­ing and unload­ing of parts. In addi­tion, it con­tains advanced Sig­ma motors that give it smooth, swift motion on demand.

NX100 Con­troller:

For easy, smooth, and advanced oper­a­tions, the Motoman HP50 and all of the robots in the series list­ed below, will be paired with the NX100con­troller. The NX100 con­troller has a very user-friend­ly Win­dows inter­face, allow­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers to train pro­gram­mers quick­ly and get their robot up and run­ning ASAP. This con­troller also has fast pro­cess­ing and unmatched mul­ti­ple robot con­trol capa­bil­i­ty with up to four robots. This ulti­mate­ly helps to decrease inte­gra­tion costs and also poten­tial­ly reduce robot collisions.

Safe­ty is a huge val­ue with the NX100 as there are four secu­ri­ty lev­els of pass­word pro­tec­tion, con­troller changes are logged and restrict­ed access to the pro­duc­tion pro­grams. It also offers unmatched con­nec­tiv­i­ty through stan­dard Eth­er­net and oth­er net­work options.

This is just the begin­ning of the suc­cess for your pro­duc­tion line. If the Motoman HP50 does­n’t quite meet your needs, check out the oth­er robots in the series that have the same ben­e­fits with slight­ly dif­fer­ent specs to best accom­mo­date a wide vari­ety of needs. 

The Motoman HP50-20

The Motoman HP50-20 is also a dynam­ic, high-speed robot and it can han­dle up to a 20kg pay­load with an extend­ed reach. The ver­ti­cal reach is 5585mm and the hor­i­zon­tal reach is 3106 mm; these great lengths help it more eas­i­ly tack­le and process large parts. It’s specs offer supe­ri­or per­for­mance in arc weld­ing, coat­ing, dis­pens­ing, and mate­r­i­al cut­ting appli­ca­tions. In many cell lay­outs, the HP 50 – 20 NX100 robot has an extend­ed reach which elim­i­nates the need for exter­nal axis tracks. This reduces the sys­tem cost and sim­pli­fies programming.

The Motoman HP50-35

The Motoman HP50-35 is a ver­sa­tile robot that can work with up to 35 kg and fea­tures the widest work­ing enve­lope in its class. It has a hor­i­zon­tal reach of 2525mm and has the same stream­lined body as the stan­dard Motoman HP50 which allows it to be placed close to machines for the load­ing and unload­ing of parts. A spe­cial vari­ant, the Motoman HP50-35XP NX100, is designed specif­i­cal­ly for the rig­ors of die cast­ing applications.

The Motoman HP50-35R

The Motoman HP50-35R is the shelf mount­ed ver­sion of the HP50-35 NX100. It fea­tures a 35kg pay­load and large work­ing enve­lope (ver­ti­cal: 4652 mm and hor­i­zon­tal 2700 mm). Just like the oth­er robots list­ed, the high speed yet slim design of the HP-50 – 35R makes it a per­fect can­di­date for small­er work spaces. This robot can be placed close to oth­er exist­ing sys­tems, and it can also reach into com­pact or hard to reach areas dur­ing the appli­ca­tion process, if necessary.

The Motoman HP50-80

The Motoman HP50-80 NX100 takes pro­duc­tiv­i­ty to the next lev­el. It has one of the widest work envelopes and pay­loads (up to 80 kg) in its class, mak­ing the HP50-80 ver­sa­tile enough to inte­grate almost any shop. The swift motion from the Sig­ma motors, enable the HP50-80 to main­tain a high rate of accu­ra­cy dur­ing oper­a­tion, which improves the over­all qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty dur­ing the appli­ca­tion process. 

Supe­ri­or per­for­mance is at your fin­ger­tips and we are ready to help bring it to your pro­duc­tion line. Call us today at 7502404312, or con­tact us online, so we can dis­cuss how you are going to improve your automa­tion line with one of the robots from the Motoman HP50 series today. 

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