ABB IRB 6650-125
The ABB IRB 6650 – 125 S4C offers a longer reach with a lower payload option. This power robot has the ability to perform a wide variety of applications, including spot welding and many different material handling applications. also offers used ABB IRB 6650 – 125 robots for sale. Used ABB IRB 6650 – 125 robots go through’ rigorous reconditioning process and are brought back to mint condition.
This robot is a great addition to any welding production process, especially when there are tight, compact spaces that have to be welded. The IRB 6650 – 125 has the reach to get things done. With the flexibility and large work envelope that the ABB IRB 6650 – 125 provides, manufacturers can’t go wrong with a new or refurbished robot!
Motion Speed
Motion Range
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