Assemble the masses: ABB assembly robots

Oct 31, 2013

ABB takes pride in their ability to listen to their customer's needs and then create an automated solution to meet it. ABB continues to create robotic solutions for a variety of applications and innovates for all environments.


ABB’s IRB 120 robot is the company’s small­est robot. It is ide­al for assem­bly appli­ca­tions and mate­r­i­al han­dling. It is com­pact and light­weight, pro­vid­ing supe­ri­or con­trol and path accuracy.

It has been used in the elec­tron­ics indus­try to assem­ble a dig­i­tal cam­era. The sys­tem can locate ran­dom­ly placed parts using vision tech­nol­o­gy and assem­ble the parts into the cam­era with posi­tion­al repeata­bil­i­ty of .01mm.

The 6‑axis IRB 120 also came to the aid of Viv­abox, a pack­ag­ing pro­duc­er. The sys­tem can han­dle 1200 trays of box­es an hour and now runs 16 hours a day, sav­ing Viv­abox sig­nif­i­cant­ly in oper­a­tional costs.

The com­pa­ny Elek­tro-Pra­ga need­ed a new pro­duc­tion line for its child-proof dual-plug elec­tri­cal safe­ty sock­ets. 3 ABB robots took over the job. The IRB 140 is small, fast, accu­rate, and pow­er­ful with one of the fastest cycle times of any artic­u­lat­ed robot. The robot sys­tem is con­cen­trat­ing on the dual plug sock­ets for now, but soon will be used for oth­er variants.

ABB is con­tin­u­al­ly striv­ing to meet the future needs of its cus­tomers. ABB’s cus­tomer base began fre­quent­ly request­ing that ABB devel­op robot­ic solu­tions for man­u­fac­tur­ing envi­ron­ments in which humans and robots could work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly. New and inno­v­a­tive solu­tions were nec­es­sary for small part assem­bly operations.

In response, ABB cre­at­ed a dual-arm con­cept robot. It is a 14-axis robot with a flex­i­ble grip­per, cam­era-based part loca­tion, and all the fea­tures includ­ed with the IRC5 robot con­troller. The robot is com­pact and can fit into human work­spaces along­side humans. With its human-like arms and body, it com­ple­ments human labor with agile motion. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty are ensured with the padded dual arms.

Robot­Ware Assem­bly Force Con­trol is an appli­ca­tion option in ABB’s assem­bly soft­ware pro­grams. It is ide­al for the use of robots for tasks that need touch sens­ing, like assem­bly, fix­tur­ing, and prod­uct test­ing. Robot move­ments adapt to the feed­back from a force sen­sor so the robot can auto­mat­i­cal­ly search for a loca­tion and assem­ble parts using intel­li­gent force/​torque motion with­out risk­ing part dam­age. Robot­Ware Assem­bly FC robo­t­izes assem­bly tasks while han­dling parts like a human work­er, sav­ing instal­la­tion and pro­gram­ming costs.

Robots​.com offers a vari­ety of ABB assem­bly robots that can be pur­chased at a low­er price. We have new and used mod­els avail­able for inte­gra­tion. For more infor­ma­tion, call us at 8777626881.

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