3D Laser Vision Robots, Arc Welding Robots, Assembly Robots, Bonding / Sealing Robots, Cleanroom Robots, Deburring Robots, Drilling Robots, Foundry Robots, Grinding Robots, Injection Molding Robots, TOP TIG Welding Robots, Material Removal Robots, Milling Robots, Polishing Robots, Routing Robots, Sanding Robots, Spindle Robots, Meat Processing Automation Robots
3D Laser Vision Robots, Arc Welding Robots, Assembly Robots, Bonding / Sealing Robots, Cleanroom Robots, Deburring Robots, Drilling Robots, Foundry Robots, Grinding Robots, Injection Molding Robots, TOP TIG Welding Robots, Material Removal Robots, Milling Robots, Polishing Robots, Routing Robots, Sanding Robots, Spindle Robots, Meat Processing Automation Robots
The ABB IRB 140 is a comÂpact, 6 axis mulÂtiÂpurÂpose robot with a payÂload of 6 kg and a reach of 810 mm. It offers 360 degrees of rotaÂtion, fast accelÂerÂaÂtion, a large workÂing enveÂlope, and the flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty to be floor, susÂpendÂed, or wall mountÂed at any angle.
All mechanÂiÂcal arms are comÂpleteÂly IP67 proÂtectÂed. This helps make the ABB IRB 140 easy to inteÂgrate and suitÂable for a variÂety of appliÂcaÂtions includÂing mateÂrÂiÂal hanÂdling, arc weldÂing, assemÂbly, and more!
To keep your ABB IRB 140 runÂning at top speed and conÂsisÂtenÂcy, it is imporÂtant to mainÂtain a regÂuÂlar mainÂteÂnance schedÂule, includÂing checkÂing the oil and grease levÂels of your robot, and using the propÂer grease. The IRB 140 uses MobilÂgearÂlube X320 oil for axes 1 – 3 and OptiÂmol BM 100 oil on axes 4 – 6.
Robots​.com experts also offer the used ABB IRB 140 robot for sale. All used IRB 140 robots go through Robots​.com’ meticÂuÂlous refurÂbishÂment process.
The new and used IRB 140 can use the IRC5, IRC5P, S4C, or the S4Cplus conÂtroller. Whether you purÂchase a new or used ABB IRB 140 robot, it will proÂvide the safeÂty and relibailÂiÂty you need to become a great addiÂtion to any facility.
Motion Speed
Motion Range
3D Laser Vision Robots
Arc Welding Robots
Assembly Robots
Bonding / Sealing Robots
Cleanroom Robots
Deburring Robots
Drilling Robots
Foundry Robots
Grinding Robots
Injection Molding Robots
TOP TIG Welding Robots
Material Removal Robots
Milling Robots
Polishing Robots
Routing Robots
Sanding Robots
Spindle Robots
Meat Processing Automation Robots
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